Breast Cancer is common among the women when compared to men since there are lots of hormones which induces the growth of malignant tumor cells in the women’s body which ultimately starts destroying the particular region or group of cells but also spread throughout the immune system and spread the infection all over the body. These tumor cells and the breast cancer can be correlated with each other and can be explained in various stages starting from level 0 to level 4. In this article, we will have a glance at the stage 2 breast cancer in women. If you have missed to get an overview of breast cancer, then this article would be helpful.
What is Stage 2 Breast Cancer?
The stage 2 cancer is a normal symptom which is showing that there is growth of breast cancer gradually, and has not started to invade the nearby cells outside the breast region. In this stage, there are more options for a patient to detect a tumor or a lump on the breast region, which can be done with the help of self examining. Such small techniques of self examining and regular screening will help women to detect the presence of cancer in an earlier stage which would also prove to be a vital factor in treating them.
The stage II cancer indicated that the cancer cells present in the particular region may not have been spread beyond the breast tissue but would have certainly grown in size when compared with the previous stage of the cancer. Also, the stage 2 cancer can be further classified into the stage 2A and stage 2B cancer which has separate roles on their own.
Stage 2A breast Cancer:
In this stage of cancer one among the following descriptions will be surely true or may have some impact on the infection.
- There is no detection or presence of cancer cells which is closely associated with the tumor cells and possibilities of two or more axillary lymph nodes have cancer cells encapsulated within themselves.
- Or, there is a possibility that the tumor cells are small size usually less than 2 centimeters and more than few axillary lymph nodes can be detected with the presence of the cancer cells .
- In some cases, the tumor has been developed in size only in that region and has not yet started to spread into the lymph nodes. The size actually ranges from 2 to 5 centimeters and can be felt at the time of self examination.
- The treatment options for this type of breast cancer is usually started with surgical process and in some cases there may be the possibility to remove the breast completely to protect the patient from cancer cells.
- Mastectomy is the surgical procedure followed for the treatment of cancer and radiation therapy may be required for some people after mastectomy is done. Chemotherapy is one best option commonly recommended for people suffering with any types of breast cancer in common.
- Hormonal therapies can also be done for people who have attained the menopause stage since there are many people who have not attained the menopause stage and high high possibilities of developing tumor cells again in their body.
Stage 2 B Cancer:
This type of breast cancer is also an invasive procedure in which one among the following scenarios might be available in the patient’s body and they are as follows,
- There is presence of tumor cells in the breast region which measures from 2 to 5 centimeters and has also started to spread themselves along the lymph nodes. Usually in such cases, two or three axillary lymph nodes are affected.
- In some cases, there may be a scenario where the lymph nodes are not at all affected but the size of the tumor cells in the breast region has increased in size and enlarged for more than 5 centimeters in size.
- Facts reveal that women who are detected with stage 2B cancer types are slightly having lower possibilities of getting cured when compared to the stage 2A cancer patients.
- Stage 4 Breast cancer and Survival rates
Treatment options for Stage II:
The treatment which you can expect from your doctor for the breast cancer usually depends on the impact and the size of the cancer cells present in the body and also other factors like the patient’s age and health is also considered before deciding on the method of treatment to be executed for the patient.
- The breast region may be needed to be completely removed in some cases with the help of mastectomy partially or fully after which the radiation therapies may be included for some patients based on their health.
- The affected lymph nodes can be well treated with the help of biopsy being done to these lymph nodes through node dissection.
- Targeted therapy is a specialized type of therapy for people who suffer with too many HER2 receptors.
- In this stage, there might not be any necessity to treat other parts of the body since the spreading of the tumor cells beyond the breast region usually do not happen.
- Hormonal therapies can be included for patients who are detected with the hormone receptors to be positive.