This is one of the fastest developing trends in modern era when it comes to marriage. Many nations have also given their nod for marrying people of the same gender. But the benefits and disadvantages of doing same sex marriage in America mainly depends on the region where you live in legally. There are only certain benefits in some of the regions while the other regions may provide a variety of benefits for the people having same sex marriage.
These benefits are provided to them only on a legal basis by the federal government of America. In the same fashion, the pros and cons of same sex marriage can be listed below as follows.
There are several advantages which can be listed down for same sex marriage, keeping in mind all of them are bound to legal jurisdictions.
The couples who have done same sex marriage can acquire all the benefits like other couples if they are planning for a baby or even adopting a baby. Their legal right also states that they can adopt children like other normal couples, which cannot be neglected by the society or even the government itself. The only possibility of neglecting them from planning for a baby or adopting a baby can be done if they are still not married to each other legally. Even if both the parents after adopting a child plan to get separated them can get divorce and both of them have the right to opt for child care.
If there are two people of the same gender planning to get married, and have some property owned against them, we can just confirm legally whether it can be made to be joined with your own property and stated as joint property depending upon the terms and conditions bound in the legal document. If the property is already a joint property with someone in your own family, then it is based on their willingness to give the property. After having a glance at the joint property rights, you can easily make a call on the marriage.
If one of the persons in the same sex couple has died, then automatically the whole ownership and child care and similar benefits can be acquired by the person who is alive. However still there are some benefits like rewards for paying taxes on time and several other benefits will not be available unlike the other couples. Legal framework is created for dealing with such issues. To overcome all these factors there might be an urge to establish a new relationship on a temporary basis, however that won’t be enough.
The benefits that are given by the government are equally distributed among the normal couples and the same sex couples. Starting from benefits like social security, there are many other benefits which are promoting the countrymen to take care of them and also their families. There has also been a legal jurisdiction for taking leave during office hours citing the reasons of family care. In this case, the leave is always granted to all groups of people while there is no salary being given.
This is one of the techniques used by people from many countries who want to get settled in United States of America. If you opt to get married legally in this country, the purpose of getting through the immigration process becomes very easy. This is not only in existence for the normal couples but also for the same sex marriage couples.
While there are a number of advantages to do marriage in the same sex, there are minimal numbers of disadvantages when compared to other nations doing the same sex marriage.
There are many legal formalities and proceedings that is to be performed if there are any plans of getting married even though you wish to have it or not whereas it is entirely different for the unmarried couples. The married couples fall under the jurisdictions and other legal boundaries for each and every step after the marriage whereas it is entirely different for the normal unmarried couples even if they are of same or different gender.
Once you are married, either to the same or different gender, then the property acquired at the time of the marriage will be equally shared and divided as per the norms of the federal government when a couple is planning to get separated from each other. This also includes the loans, and other belongings to be equally shared among them on a legal basis.
Whereas for the unmarried couples, there is no such restrictions being imposed on them. Hence there are only few disadvantages for the married couple of same sex marriage in correspondence to that of the couples of different gender.