The migraine is the worst kind of headache that affect a person. The migraines are a very sensitive and painful headaches that always get accompanied by the series of flashes of light and also distortion in the one of the eyes. The tingling sensation in the body, the sense of vomiting and nausea and sensitivity to light and other factors also are the most common triggers of the migraine. Once having set in, the headache of the migraine will last for hours on either one side of the head or both. Sometimes the pain will last for days together. It has been said by the American doctors that almost 80% of the Americans suffer from the migraine headache. Though it has been said that these migraine problems only affect the women, there are also some men who have also been reported to have affected by it.
The reasons for the migraines are not known but they have been known to run in only families. The exact reasons for the migraines are not known. But the scientists are trying to find the reasons for them. It has been suggested to be the abnormal activity of the brain due to the disturbance of the nerves and the certain chemicals that are associated with it. These can be also very chronic if they last for more than six months. Some people get them regularly at specific intervals, while others get affected by them often. In any one of the either cases the person must consult the doctor for further treatment.
This problem of the migraines has been the leading cause of the many outpatient visits to the American hospitals and it has also been a very complicated one. The fact of the hormonal changes during the pregnancy and the hormonal changes during the menstrual periods are the main reasons for the migraines to be prevalent among women.
Prevention Of The Migraine :
The problem of the migraine and its underlying symptoms have been discussed at the top of the article. The best way to be relieved from the migraine is to look for its symptoms and steering away from it. These symptoms are not very hard to find. It can be analyzed by a person if he tries to figure out the reasons or his activities that were common during the last two times that he experienced before the migraine. Fortunately there a lot of the simple techniques with which the migraine can be treated. It does not require any invasive procedure or the use of the tablets. The best way to avoid a migraine is before it begins. The steps to follow to prevent them are very simple.
a. Reduction Of the Estrogen Levels :
In women, at the times of the menstruation and the pregnancy, the levels of the estrogen levels tend to get reduced. This makes the chances for the sparking of the migraine in them. This is due to the changes in the chemical structure of the nerves in the brain. This makes the formation of the pain spots on the brain and also results in excruciating pain. So maintaining the estrogen in the body of the females is a better way to keep the menstrual problems at bay. There are several diet regimes and the estrogen contraceptive pills that help to decrease the chances for the attacks of the migraine to occur as a result of the estrogen levels. The changes in the hormones will also cause the migraines. So the women must be ever vigilant in finding any symptoms of the discrepancy in the body. Some contraception tablets will also trigger the migraines.
b. Alcoholic Beverages :
The alcohol tends to occur in many forms. It does not exhibit in a single pattern. The alcoholic drinks cause the hangover that is the main reason for the formation of the headaches of the migraine in the people. The people if they get affected by the migraine by drinking the alcoholic beverages, they must try to refrain from them. Drinking vodka is very better than drinking the beer and the other alcoholic drinks. It is considered to be safe too. If possible abstainment from all sorts of the alcoholic beverages is recommended.
c. Skipping of The Meals :
The food is necessary for the regulation of the sugar level in the blood. This is not so good for the body, as the unusual fluctuations of the glucose level of the blood will serve as the trigger for the migraine to occur. No human beings must be without food for every three hours. Thus helps to maintain the blood sugar level. The skipping of meals must therefore be stopped and regular intake of the foods must be encouraged. The lean protein tablets must also be included in the foods in order to boost the metabolism of the body.
d. Caffeine :
The caffeine is the ingredient that is found in almost all types of the teas and coffees. These are found in abundance in them. The increased consumption of the caffeinated drinks will cause the trigger for the migraine to become active. This results in a severe headache and will also result in the migraines too. So the caffeine products must be avoided. This does not mean that they must be avoided completely. Instead the caffeine products must be included in the daily basis but their amount must be reduced. No more eight ounces of the cup of the caffeinated drinks must be consumed in a day.
e. No Regular Sleeping Patterns :
The person who regularly sleeps well will have no chances of migraine. With no proper sleep, the cells of the brain will not be supplied with enough of oxygen and the nerves in that region will also be weak. This signals for the migraine to occur. Even though a person sleeps well, it must be carefully seen that he gets enough sleep. Frequently waking from the sleep at nights will also trigger the migraine in the people. The person must also maintain a regular sleeping pattern. They must go to bed at the same time everyday and no discrepancy must be allowed. This helps in the relaxation of the cells of the brain and also the nervous system.
f. Bright Lights And Loud Noises :
These are actually triggers that cause the stimulation of the migraines. The bright lights that suddenly flash on the eyes of the people, the flashing lights of the discos, the lights of the theatres, the lights of the television late at night will all cause the migraine to occur in the brains of the people. So it is better to switch off the television at about an hour before going to sleep. This gives the eyes some proper rest and helps to protect them from any damage. The loud noises, too can disrupt the neural system and trigger the migraines. So if the people get triggered by them or by another trigger, it is better to refrain from these triggers.
g. Certain Food Choices :
The common food ingredients can also cause the migraine in people. There are certain foods like chocolate, certain types of wine and dark-flavoured alcohol, canned meats, artificial sweeteners and the dairy products like the cheese and butter etc. These cause the triggers in the minds of the people and result in migraines. The person has to make a note of the various foods that they happened to have before they were affected by the migraine. Those foods must be avoided. In this way, the people can escape from the migraines. There are also some drinks that trigger the migraines. Their use must be reduced or limited. It is normal to drink and eat some amount of the foods and drinks that cause migraine but they must not be had in adequate quantities.
h. Phenomenal Factors :
The psychological factors and certain weather conditions also cause the migraine in people. Often people are found to be depressed and are full of anxiety. They can be more prone to the attacks of the migraine. The feeling of suppression will make the brain cells to go numb and this part of the brain devoid of the oxygen supply will result in the migraines that are debilitating. Often the transition of the weather from one state to another will also cause the migraines. The sudden change will affect the neural system of the body and result in the migraines.
i. Weather Conditions :
The transition of the weather can also hugely impact the patterns of the migraines. The high humidity and very sultry temperatures can trigger migraines. In some people, the rains will also stimulate the migraines. So those people who get affected by the changes in the weather must find it necessary to hibernate to take a hiatus from the common life. Of course it does not mean that the people must avoid going out, it means only to reduce their time spent in some of the headache-triggering weather conditions.
j. Physical Exercise :
The exercise is an important aspect of a healthy life. But numerous strenuous exercises like lifting the weights can become the triggers for the severe headaches and migraines. Proper attention and care must be paid to the response of the body in respect to some activities. The people must always do the exercises that enhance the reduction of stress without having too much pressure on the body. They include yoga and slight movements of aerobics. The intake of the certain anti-inflammatory medicines before adhering to any exercise will assist in easing the symptoms.
k. Beware Of Stress :
It is impossible to control stressful conditions always. But they can be controlled. The way how a person reacts to it will also be monitored. Migraines occur as a result of the stressful circumstances. The common relaxation techniques such as biofeedback, meditation and yoga can help to minimize the levels of stress and its impact on the body.
l. Intake Of The Proper Supplements :
The migraines can be cured with or without the proper use of the migraines. The migraines also occur as a result of the improper supply of the nutrients in the body. The common deficiency that causes the migraines are the magnesium deficiency. So it is no harm to take the supplements to boost the magnesium levels in the body. But the doctors are divided as to the results of the proper intake of the magnesium in the body. So it is better to consult a doctor prior to starting any treatment.
m. Sex :
The migraine occurs as a result of the heavy physical activity. So sex also has the chances to induce the migraine in the people. But some scientists have stated otherwise that the sex can also alleviate the chances for the migraine. But in some people the act of sex has the power to reduce the triggers that cause the migraine.
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Migraine: Most of the people who are affected by the migraine are well aware of the potential triggers that cause them. But unfortunately some people are not aware of them. The triggers may be the actual cause for the migraine to occur. If the person gets exposed to the trigger, then they will be affected by the migraine. Sometimes more than one trigger may cause the migraine to occur. Some of the best examples for the triggers of the migraines are smoking or the exposure to the smokes, not getting adequate sleep, imbalanced diet, variations in the physical emotions like the stress, anxiety and depression, changes in the food patterns, blinking lights, use of alcohol and certain drugs, dehydration, certain foodstuffs like the pickles, avocados, chocolates, canned fruits, meat items and nuts, exhaustion in the body and also the use of the certain medicines and certain surgeries undertaken in the body.
It must be noted that the triggers always do not cause the migraines and the refinement from the triggers do not always keep the migraines at bay. Just before the occurrence of the migraines, there are one or the other types of the symptoms that surely convey a person that they are going to be affected by the migraines within moments. The sure signs of the migraines occur any time during the migraines. They may occur either during the migraines, after the migraines and also before the migraines. The symptoms associated with the migraines are many but only some of the most common types of the signs are discussed in this article. They are auar, loss of vision in one or two eyes, throbbing headache at one side of the head, sweating, pain in the chest, palpitations, insensitivity to bright lights, physical tiredness and inability to work the daily chores as usual.
These are some of the symptoms that may be associated with some of the other problems too. There is another sign that is a sure tells sign of the migraine. It is the aura. The person will see things that are physically not present there really. The minds of the people with the aura will be calloused and confused. Some imaginary zigzag lines will be seen but in reality they do not exists. The vision of the people will be distorted and it will seem as if their visions gets affected and returns at regular intervals. The migraines with the aura is the worst kind of all the symptoms. The people will develop difficulty in speaking and the muscles of the person will become stiff.