The leaky gut is a very serious condition that is also called as the intestinal permeability. The digestive tract gets damaged in such a way that it allows proteins, the harmful bacteria and the undigested food substances to pass into the blood. These substances together cause systemic inflammation and an immune reaction over time. The small intestine gets very affected due to the leaky gut. It is the small intestines where the nutrients like the vitamins, proteins and the minerals get assimilated into the body.
Sometimes the body will start to acknowledge the particular foods as toxic and will enable the immunity to react adversely whenever they consume the food. In case if the problem persists, then the leaky gut can advance to the formation of any autoimmune disease.
If the leaky gut problem can be seen in the people, then the undigested food particles and the bad bacteria will, along the blood get transported to all the parts of the body and form inflammations and the other disorders in the body.
The starting symptoms of the leaky gut are the allergies due to food, skin disorders like the acne and psoriasis and the digestive problems like bloating and excessive farts. To treat the problem of the leaky gut it is necessary to make some necessary changes to the food regime.
This article deals with the issues of using diet for leaky gut treatment.
Food Diet for Leaky Gut to Treat easily
The lists of all the foods that can be used to treat the leaky gut are described below. This diet helps in the faster healing as they are very easy to ingest and can also assist in repairing the lining of the large and the small intestines. The leaky gut diet is pretty simple to follow.
1. Broth of Bone
This bone broth helps to supply the necessary amino acids and the minerals like calcium, proline, manganese, potassium and Glycine that can help to repair the leaky gut. And also it enhances the various mineral deficiencies. This can be prepared by boiling the bones in water with some added spices and the herbs.
2. Raw and Processed Dairy Products
This belongs to the class of probiotic rich foods. The curd, amasai, cheese and yogurt will help to repair the gut by flushing out the bad bacteria like the candida.
3. Vegetables that have been Fermented
It is important to add the fermented vegetables like coconut, sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi and kvass as a daily ingredient to the foods. These vegetables that have been fermented contain the essential probiotics that help to repair the symptoms of the leaky gut that can be possible by stabilizing the pH range in the stomach and the large and the small intestines.
4. Fruits diet
It is good to consume about two servings of any fruit daily. It is good for the treatment of the leaky gut too. The apples can be steamed to make sauces that are homemade. The fruit is the most eaten foodstuff throughout the world in the morning. They are not eaten later in the day. It is also wise to eat the fruits in moderate quantities.
5. Consumption of the Healthy Fats
Eating the foods that are rich in the healthy fats in moderate amounts such as the yolks of the eggs, tuna, salmon, butter fruits, ghee, butter and the virgin coconut oil are so easy on the gut and they also enhance the healing in them.
These are vital to the health of the body. The saturated fat, are not harmful to the health. The processed, Trans fats, cholesterol that is oxidized and the polyunsaturated fats found in the vegetable oils like the corns, soybean, canola and cottonseed are the fats that have to be avoided. The natural fats that can be obtained from the products of the organically pastured animals like the butter, lard, tallow and ghee, butter fruit, pure olive oil and coconut oil must be added in large quantities to the leaky gut diet, particularly to support the health of the gut.
6. Vegetables that Been Steamed
The vegetables that have low amounts of starch can be either cooked or steamed. This makes them easy to be digested. They are also made as an essential part of the foods that help to reduce the symptoms of the leaky gut.
7. Juice of the Aloe Vera
The Aloe Vera juice is very healthy to the body. It promotes the various benefits to the body. The Aloe Vera leaf can be cut in order to extract the juice from them. The juice may be collected by the means of the bowl. They may be either drunk as such or may be included as a part of the leaky gut diet.
8. Essential Oils
The essential oils that were prepared from the ginger and the peppermint can help to eradicate the presence of the inflammations in the intestines. They also support the repairing of the leaky gut. The two drops of any oil can be taken orally by adding them to a glass of water. Â About three drops of the oils can be mixed with coconut oil and this can be used to rub on the abdomen twice daily.
9. Fish Oil
The fish oils that are prepared from the salmon and the tuna may be helpful to eradicate the problem of the leaky gut. The most common form of the fish oil like the cod liver oil tablets may be also helpful to ease the small and the large intestines. The amount of the fish oil that can be consumed a day is 1000 mg. The essential fatty acids like the DHA and EPA and the amino acids can be of much use to treat the leaky gut.
10. Low Fiber Diets
The foods that have low quantities of the fiber can be of much importance to treat the leaky gut. The banana fruits are fine but when they are consumed in high amounts then they cause problems. So in moderation any food low in the dietary fibers can be consumed. The sweet potatoes are the best example. These must be cooked in order to eat them.
11. Meats Raised from the Pastures
The healthy meats that are obtained from the animals raised by the pastures are dense in the amount of the nutrients. They can be used particularly for the healing of the gut. The meat must include the cuts of the bone and the high fats. These must be slowly cooked or in other words braised as in the case of pot roast.
12. Honey
The results of the use of the honey for the treatment of the leaky gut differ from one person to another. The honey must be consumed for a week and it must be stopped to check if the sugar and the fructose cause any triggers in the intestines. The honey can be consumed as such or can be included as a part of the diet. The honey does not get decomposed and it must be stored for any months.
13. Eradication of the Chronic Stress
The chronic stress of the person can cause the leaky gut. It is not known how but they are inevitable. The people as a rule must not be stressed every time. The stress relieving beverages like the coffee and the green tea must be consumed more.
14. Ginger
The ginger is the one cure for almost all the problems that the body may be affected by. The ginger can be used either as a tea or can be added to the food substances as a spice. The raw ginger must also be chewed in the morning. It also helps to fight against the depression. The ginger can be eaten with a few drops of honey on it.
15. Legumes
The beans, Brussels’ sprouts and the legumes help to achieve the putrefaction in the intestines. In this way, the good and the essential bacteria actually thrive in the intestines. The bad bacteria may be flushed out. Thus the harm caused to the intestines by the bad bacteria may be eliminated.
16. Foods that are Rich in Protein
The foods that are rich in proteins like the fish, mutton, beef, chicken and the eggs must be included in large numbers. The fruits and the vegetables that are rich in the proteins must be also included as a part of the daily diet. This helps to restore the condition of the gut to its normal state.