Laser Liposuction procedure is a type of the liposuction that keeps the additive advantages of light energy to increase the removal of fat in the patients. The skin is also tightened to avoid clogging and bleeding. The patient must possess small to average fat and moderate skin flexibility. The wavelength of the laser is about 1450nm and has 45 x affinities for the fat as when distinguished with the other wavelengths. The tightening of skin has become a taboo. It is not based on any proofs. It postulates the effect it can have on the skin with the lasers as when compared with the normal liposuction in some patients.
Views Of Laser Liposuction
As to the question of what it actually is, the answers differ to the people asked. The doctors are of the opinion that the method of using lasers in the liposuction is associated with less injuries and speedy recovery. Some doctors opine that it only increases the cost involved in the general liposuction procedure maximized the burns and other side effects. It is not result oriented.
Mode Of Operation
The lasers are employed to loosen the fat prior to removing them. It is simpler to achieve that using the liposuction. They may induce the formation of collagen that forms speedy, rigid and smooth skin. They also clot blood in the area where the liposuction is being performed. For example consider the person to have undergone laser liposuction in the abdomen on one side and the contemporary liposuction in the other side. The area treated with the laser liposuction will be smooth than the area that was treated with the old methods of liposuction. The skin has a tendency to lose its flexibility. So laser liposuction are used on those areas of smooth skin. It tightens the skin to enhance the overall consequences.
Types Of Laser Brands
There are two types of brands of laser. They are smart lipo and slim lipo. These are the brands of lasers that help to disrupt the liquid cells of fats in the process of liposuction. The laser machines when combined with the ultrasound machines like the vaser lipo assists the surgeon in disposing the fats in those parts of the human body where the fat is rigid. These also help to enhance the color of the skin. This is brought about by the withering of the collagen in the bottom layers of the skin. But on the contrary, these machines pose an enhanced risk of burns on the skin and the development of seroma. So these should be done with utmost care.
The Process
First the part to be operated is examined before. The doctors cross question the person to gather valuable information pertaining to the need of the liposuction procedure. For instance, consider the abdomen to be the area to be operated. It is filled by a fluid that acts as an anaesthetic. Then it is inserted by a laser fibre. It burns the excess fat in those areas and blocks the blood vessels. The fats melt. A cannula that is small is inserted into the area to suck out the increased fat. This combines the use of tumescent liposuction and a laser fibre to make sure that the skins are tightened and the achievement of wanted results.
Advantages of Laser Liposuction
The researches undertaken on the liposuction has found that laser liposuction is a safe and an effective way of treating the small parts of fat. This is usually done in the hospitals on the basis of outpatient. A patient can recover within weeks after the operation. It is better to discuss with a doctor to find if one fits in the category of the patients to whom the operation is meaningful. It makes the people to adjust well to anesthesia. It does not form scars on the persons and infections are not easily formed as they are done with the help of lasers.
Risks of the procedure:
The laser liposuction is not applicable for everyone. The lasers cause excess of elastin and the collagens. Old people have lower chances of developing them. The major risk associated with them is burns. This happens due to improper monitoring of the temperature. Many people are concerned only about the risks of the laser liposuction than its benefits. The liposuction patients are not liable to remoce some weight as surgery is not a means to shed some weight of the body. It can be achieved only by means of regular balanced diet and exercise. These cosmetic surgeries will only enhance people’s appearance. It is associated with the healthy body of the people.
This procedure has been enhanced in the clinical treatments. The works done before provides safety and efficiency to successfully operate the skin tightening procedures. In the modern days, the use of the 1065 and 1325nm laser energies has suggested that its dispatcher of energy before liposuction produces statistically good advantages on wrinkling of skin and its tightening. It is the only parameter that differs much.