The testosterone has been said as the embodiment of manhood. They are produced by the testicles of the male human body. That being said, it is not only accredited to males, it is also present in the females too. This has been said for a right reason because it plays an important role in the development of the male sexuality and reproduction. The testosterone also impacts the factors like development of the secondary sexual characters and intercourse. The development of the muscles, growth of the facial hair growth and hoarse voice and the other ones like the bone density, increased levels of the count of the red blood cells and a pride of manliness.
The adrenal glands produce some amounts of the testosterone. But, it has been said that having required levels of the testosterone is good when a person reaches his adulthood and old age. From the age of thirty, a male’s testosterone levels start to decline and it will continue as he ages. The reason for the fall of the levels of the testosterone has been attributed to the reasons like the broad range of exposure to the chemicals like the usage of the prescribed drugs such as statins that conversely impact the production of testosterone in men. Eventually, the levels of the estrogen will tend to increase due to the widespread exposures to the compounds of the food that mimic the estrogen. They can be found in the food, water and other pollutants.
This article deals with the natural ways to increase the testosterone in males by the use of the simple methods unlike the other means of the expensive and tedious treatments. These ways to increase the levels of the testosterone has been proven by the scientific facts and is also harmless to adopt. Let’s see how to increase testosterone naturally!
Naturally increasing Testosterone
There are several testosterone hormone replacement techniques that help to boost the levels of the testosterone in the body. But though the results of the techniques are similar and effective, they are looked with scorn. Their counterparts, the natural ways to enhance the testosterone levels supply some other benefits to mankind too. The following are some of the natural methods or ways to increase testosterone.
1. Reduction of the Weight
Shedding some of the unwanted weights of the body will help to increase testosterone levels gradually. This has been proved by a research that was conducted at the meeting of the Endocrine Society in the year 2012. The obese men are very likely to exhibit low level so of the testosterone at the start. Therefore to increase the testosterone one has to reduce the weight gradually.
The mere thought of losing weight is not enough. All one has to do is to strictly reduce the amount of the processed sugar in the diet. This is an evidence to prove that the excess of the sugar and fructose are the main factors of the epidemic of the obesity. So cutting the sugar rich foods from the everyday diet is necessary. Even the sugar in the fruit juices, processed foods and the healthy sweeteners must also be reduced.
Generally as a rule the level of the consumption of the total fructose must be limited below 26 grams a day. This extends even to the fruits. The people with the resistance to insulin will also find it true.
Besides eliminating the fructose, it will also be important to reduce the consumption of the grains and raw milk from the diet. This is because the milk has lactose that has been proven to increase the resistance to the insulin. Therefore it would be good to refrain from it in order to reduce the weight. The carbohydrates that are refined and present in cereals, waffles and processed foods break the sugar down to elevate the level of the insulin.
The cutting of these foods from the diet must be replaced with healthy alternatives like vegetables and healthy fats. The body needs the carbohydrates from their micronutrient-dense vegetables and not from the grains. This is because it retards their conversion to the form of the simple sugars like glucose. This helps to reduce the weights rapidly.
2. Increased Quantity of Zinc
The zinc is important for the production of the testosterone. The zinc when supplemented into the diet for about six weeks can show an improvement in the levels of the testosterone among those with low levels. Similarly it has been shown that the decreased amount of the zinc also causes the decrease in testosterone. It has been suggested by the National Health And nutrition Examination Survey that the adults at the age of 60 do not take the required amount of the zinc that is needed for the regular functioning of the reproductive system.
The zinc is found abundantly in foods that are rich in proteins like meat products, raw milk, beans, kefir and fish. The zinc will be very difficult to obtain by the vegetarians due to the change of the practices in the traditional methods of farming. The soil has become depleted of the nutrients that have to be absorbed by the plants. The human beings also deplete the nutrients present in the foods by the many ways they take to prepare the food. Overcooking the foods will drastically limit the levels of nutrients like zinc.
Therefore it is wise to use the zinc supplements. The amount of the zinc supplements must be less than 40 mg per day. This is the normal adult maximum limit. More increased intake of the zinc can alter the body’s ability to assimilate the minerals like copper and this also causes nausea.
3. Rigid Physical Activity
Besides some exercises like the Peak Fitness, the strength training has been known to increase the testosterone levels. The steps to increase the weight must be brought about by the rapid steps and the repetitions must be limited. The focus must be shifted to the exercises that work on a large mass of the muscles. To last longer the exercises can be done very slowly. The slow movement of the exercises will actually turn it into a exercise that is high in intensity. The slow movements of the exercises will allow the muscles to utilize the cross-bridges between the filaments of the protein that enables the movements of the muscles.
The exercises are one of the most advantageous ways to prevent the diseases that are caused due to the lifestyles. Fortunately, it can also increase the levels of the testosterone. This has been found that by a large study that the people who exercised always had increased testosterone levels. Even the old age people can feel a surge in the increase of the testosterone levels. Not all the exercises benefit the sole purpose of reducing the weights. The ones like the weight lifting and the training with high intensity help to reduce the weights.
4. Increasing The Vitamin D
The vitamin D is a steroid hormone. It is necessary for the healthy formation of the nucleus of the sperm cells. It is also instrumental in maintaining the quality and count of the semen. The vitamin D increases testosterone levels too. This also indirectly increases the libido. It was first proved by administering the obese people with the doses of the vitamin D and it was found that they had a gradual increase in the testosterone levels.
The deficiency of the Vitamin D is common at the some of the areas of the United States. This is because the people do not spend their time in the sun to enable this production of vitamin D. Some years before, the suggested level of the vitamin D was limited to 60 nanograms in a single milliliter. But now it has been raised to 70 ng/ml.
In order to further increase the levels, the exposure to the sun is the best method. The skin must be exposed to the sun until the skin turns brown. If the exposure to the sun is not possible, then the use of the safe tanning bed can be utilized.
The supplements of the vitamin D3 can be also taken orally. There are researches that recommend the average adult to intake about 8500 IU of the vitamin D in a single day to increase them above 40 ng/ml.
5. Stress Reduction
When the person stresses, the body releases high amounts of the cortisol that is a stress hormone. This hormone hinders the effects of the testosterone from a biological view. The testosterone-associated behaviors like sex and the chances for survival in an emergency will also be limited. Nowadays, the chronic stress and the elevated levels of cortisol, signify that the testosterone’s effects have been blocked. There is a method to reduce the stress levels. That is the use of the EFT that works similar to the acupuncture without the aid of the needles. It is a hand free tool that can be used to unload the emotional baggages faster and painlessly. The common tools used to reduce the stress are meditation, laughter, prayer, deep breathing, positive visualization, yoga and. The creation of the visual image of oneself, then the subconscious mind will create the necessary neurological and the biological changes that will help to bring about the changes in one’s life.
6. Consumption Of The Healthy Fats
Being healthy not only needs the healthy intake of the monounsaturated fats and the polyunsaturated fats, that are found in the in avocados and almonds, the saturated fats are also needed for the building of the testosterone levels. The studies prove that the diet with less than 40 percent of fat from the animal sources and saturated in nature will cause a decline in the levels of the testosterone levels.
The diet must be comprised of about 70 percent healthy fats. While there are also some views that the ideal low diet must include them in the ranges of 50 to 70 percent of the fats.
First of all, It is very wise to know what the body needs from the saturated fats of the animal and vegetable sources. This is needed for the widening of the optimal functioning of the body. In case if the human beings avoid this, they are the ones that will suffer. The healthy fats can be obtained from the dairy products, olive oil, palm oil, butter and the coconut oil.
7. Proper Rest
Getting good sleep is just as important for the health as the intake of the diet and some physical exercises. This will also have some good effects on the testosterone levels.
The correct amount of the sleep differs from one person to another. It has been found in a study that sleeping for about five hours in a single night is linked to fifteen percent reduction in the levels of the testosterone. It is needless to say about those who sleep for less than four hours.
It has been said that the every extra hour that we sleep the testosterone levels get added. This has been said on an average and the rise is attributed to about fifteen percent. The experts are of the opinion that the person must sleep on an average of about seven to ten hours in a night.
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