Aging is an evitable factor that affects everybody in the world. This makes the body not able to perform tasks which were done by it before without much trouble. The memory power is not linked to the process of aging. But some people associate them both together. There are several ways to keep the memory power intact. Some of them can be gained by foods and the others can be gained by following certain lifestyle practices. The human brain has vast potential which is still dormant. It is the duty of the people to unlock them to the fullest potential. Instead of living a mundane life we must be aware of the power of our brain and exploit it to its full potential.
Improve Memory in Easy steps:
The best ways to improve the memory power of the brain is so easy. They are as follows :
1. Proper Rest And Sleep :
The sleep is the single most vital thing that is necessary to get a proper brain function. The sleep causes the nerves in the brain to refresh and start working again. It helps to remember very nicely. Getting a good sleep of about eight or seven hours is essential for the body. In addition to sleep taking regular naps in the day can also help to remember the things that we learnt before dozing off. If any person can not sleep peacefully drinking a cup of warm milk before going to bed helps to have a good sleep.
2. Physical Exertion :
The physical movements can increase the blood flow in the body. It helps to reduce the formation of plaques from getting built up inside the arteries. The plaques hinder the circulation of blood to all parts of the body especially the brain. Devoid of nutrients the brain cannot function properly. The circulation of the blood warms the body and stimulates the memory part of the brain. The physical movements can be anything like swimming, cycling, exercising and even walking a few paces to and fro.
3. Do A Single Work At A Time :
The brain cannot perform many tasks at a time. The brain needs eight seconds to commit an information into memory. For instance it is difficult to read and hold a conversation simultaneously. The brain normally switches from one work to another. If we want to remember anything we must first write it down in a piece of paper or we must start to write blogs. This helps to increase our memory. This helps to remember things better and avoids the risks of fidgeting.
4. Organize Things :
The dwelling place of a person must be neat and orderly. The house must be cleaned and the things must be shifted back to their own places. A separate place must be maintained to write the schedule and planners for the day. The finished things must be crossed. Writing them manually helps to remember things in a better way and helps to implement them. Keeping track of the to-do list is a very important thing.
5. Meditation And Yoga :
The practice of meditation and yoga can have positive effects on the brain. The human brain starts to diminish when a person reaches the age of twenty. Meditation and yoga helps to reduce the risks of mental problems like dementia, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. Certain stress and depression factors can also help to increase the level of cortisol in the brain and the body. Depression causes the person to stop thinking anything and impairs concentration. The primary victim of depression is concentration. Depression affects the memory part of the brain. So meditations are suggested by doctors to people who suffer from depression.
6. Staying Active :
The brain is a vital organ that needs to stay active for a long time in order to be not forgetful of things. Reading a book, solving crossword puzzles, playing games like sudoku and exploring some new places and the like will help one develop the brain faster. The people who engage in all activities that helps to make the brain stay awake will have lower risks of mental problems even in the old age.
7. Mnemonics :
These are certain formats that help people to memorize words and certain things in a structured format.
They are :
- Acronyms and abbreviations can help to memorize things that in a short format.
- Rhythmic tones can be set to a word in order to enable the people to remember them.
- Acrostics are those which help children to mug up answers by coalescing the initial letters of the words in a sentence.
8. Sharing Knowledge With Someone Else :
It has been said that sharing or teaching to others has a profound impact on one’s own memory power. The children reading out loud during the exams have a chance of understanding the concepts better than those studying silently. This is the reason behind teachers asking students to teach each other.
9. Visualization :
The human brain is gifted with the skill of imagination. The people must imagine things they are reading and hearing. This helps to memorize things easily. Forming a vivid picture of the information helps to retain things for a longer time in the brain.
10. Fats :
The human brain is made mostly of fat. It is needed by the brain to transfer and receive the messages quickly. The fat content stimulates the brain and helps in its task. The doctors advise parents to give foods rich in fats to their children. The fat rich foods are needed by adults too or else their memory power will be impaired. The foods rich in fat are fish, meat, dark leafy vegetables, nuts and deep fried foods.
11. Music :
It has been proved that music helps to stimulate certain parts of the brain that helps to improve the memory power of the brain. The art of listening to music helps the people to associate certain facts or information with it to enhance the memory. So nowadays a large emphasis is given to listening to music.