Tea normally comes in many types. Green tea is one among them. It is considered to be one hell of a natural energetic drink. It has been said that the green tea was first used as a beverage in the China. It is obtained from the leaves of the tree called camellia sinensis. The leaves are steamed and so there is no way that they lose their oxidative and healing properties. The green tea has been used as a traditional medicine in the ayurvedic medicine of India and also in the Chinese medicine. It is the world’s most popular beverage too. Over the years the scientists are baffled over the benefits that the green tea provides. It has all the nutrients packed into it to form a single combo pack. The health benefits of the green tea can be reaped by having it in any form like capsule, extract and pills. The Green tea has its own pros and cons.
The problem arises when a person tries to get the benefits of the green tea more by drinking it in excess. The real level of the over consumption has to be checked so that the person can know better when to stop. But it differs from person to person. It is diuretic and astringent in nature and hence used widely in America for its medicinal properties. The anti-carcinogenic properties in the green tea help in the elimination of the cancer causing cells in the body. The polyphenols in the green tea helps in the process of anti-aging and in the freeing the faces and the skin of the humans from wrinkles.
Pros of Green Tea
The green tea is rich in many vital nutrients that sustain the overall health of the body. The green tea has been used for ages since its first inception and no wonder it has still endured the challenges of the ages and the nature of the human’s extincting nature. The major benefits of the green tea are elucidated below to form a clear idea about what a person can reap from the cups of green tea drunk in a day.
a. It’s For Heart Health:
The green tea has been proved to regulate the heart condition in a nice way. It has been found by the research conducted by the Harvard Scientists. The green tea regulates the good cholesterol and lowers the rate of the bad cholesterol in the body. The blood flow is regulated and the pressure of the blood is checked from soaring higher. The other forms of cardiovascular problems will also be checked and eliminated.
b. For Cancer Elimination:
The polyphenols and the anti-carcinogenic agents in the green tea help to reduce the risks of any type of cancer like bladder cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, blood cancer and liver cancer. It has been found that the people who drink green tea develop minimum chances of being affected by cancer. The antioxidants in the green tea are very powerful than those found in the other sources. The polyphenols traverse in the body along the blood and eliminate or fight against the damaged cells. In the researches that were done using animals the green tea blocked the oxidation processes caused due to the tobacco and other harmful drugs. The green tea has eliminated the risks of cancer in the western world completely.
c. To Lower The Bad Cholesterol:
The bad cholesterols are also known as LDL in the medical world. The bad cholesterols affect the human body in a variety of ways. The people with the high level of bad cholesterol are known to have developed lower rates of bad cholesterol. It also increases the good cholesterol in an adequate manner. This is brought about the catechins in the green tea. It is better to drink the brewed tea rather the other forms of the tea. This can be used as a remedy at home to eliminate the bad cholesterol.
d. Green Tea To Alkalinize the Body:
The acids in the body deteriorate the condition of the various organs. The acids can be infused in the body by the intake of the meats and other fast foods. The more the acidity in the body the more the chronic problems will occur in the body. It causes the possibility a person to be affected by the loss of bone tissue, loss of weight of the muscles, back pain and the formation of kidney stones. The green tea has alkalines that help in the eradication of the acid levels in the body. The pH level of the body will be ensured that it will not increase higher than the normal level.
e. Oral Health:
The green tea helps in the preservation of the oral health as a whole. The problems in the mouth like swellings, bad breath, caries, plaques, tartar and decay will all be curbed as a whole. The catechins present in the green tea helps to preserve the oral health of the tea. It has been said that a cup of green tea a day will ensure the protection of the mouth. The gums in the mouth will be restored to its healthy state. The bad breath of the mouth will be eliminated.
f. Helps To Burn Calories:
The catechins in the green tea will not only restore the oral health but also the body shape by burning the calories and the fats that get build up in the body. The catechins also help in the removal of the cholesterol in the body and the metabolic activity of the body will be increased.
g. Possibility To Eliminate Arthritis:
It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and thus it is helpful in preventing ourselves from the ill effects of arthritis.
h. To Improve the Skin Health:
The green tea is a natural beauty enhancer. The presence of free radicals is the reasons behind the formation of the wrinkles and the aging spots in the people. The green tea is packed with powerful antioxidants that eliminate the effects of the free radicals. They can be used internally by drinking or externally by applying them on the surface of the skin. Either way it provides the human body with more benefits.
i. This Tea for Weight Regulation:
The green tea can be used for the regulation of the body mass. The green tea induces the way the food we eat is reduced into calories. It has been found that those who drink about three cups of green tea a day can become slim and fit.
j. It’s For Diabetic Patients:
It is a vital drink to the diabetic patients. The green tea can be beneficial in reducing the glucose level of the body. The catechins in the tea get mixed with the blood and stabilize the blood sugar level.
k. For better Brain Functions:
The green tea helps to increase the functions of the brain and the memory power is also increased. The neurological disorders will also be eliminated. It has been proved from the researchers conducted to the animals. The catechins safeguard the brain during the old age of a person. The theanine compound found in the tea helps to provide calm and stress to the patients.
Cons of Green Tea
Despite being a healthy drink it suffers from its drawbacks as well. The fact may be proved by people over drinking the tea and some people developing a sense of allergy to some of the components in the tea.
a. Nausea:
The tannins present in the tea stimulate the acid production in the body and cause nausea and vomiting in people who drink it. The doctors advise the patients with peptic ulcers not to drink it. Drinking this tea with milk inactivates the polyphenols. But these problems are not normal.
b. Caffeine:
It is not known why people develop this problem when green tea is drunk. Because the green tea has the caffeine in small proportions unlike the black tea and the coffee. The Japanese green tea contains less amount of caffeine and is recommended to those people who develop the problem of palpitation. Pregnant women are strictly advised to refrain the green tea as they contain caffeine that is harmful to them.
c. Iron Deficiency:
The tannins prevent the assimilation of the iron in the intestines. But it is a good sign to have more iron in the body. In the case of breastfeeding mothers the iron will travel to the baby through milk and affect it.
Read: Vitamin D Deficiency
d. Pregnancy issues:
The EGCG in the green tea disrupt the growth of the baby in the womb of the mothers. They also result in premature births, low weights and even death.
SEE: Pregnancy Week by week – 1 to 40 weeks
e. Growth Issues:
The young children must be refrained from drinking the green tea as they may disrupt their growth issues.
f. Certain Complications:
The green tea reacts with the certain medicines taken and cause adverse effects to the body like irritation, convulsions and restlessness,.
g. Loss of Appetite:
The appetite is the one that gets suffered because the green tea gives one a feeling of oneness. It deprives the body of many nutrition.
h. Insomnia:
The people will develop sleep problems. The sleep pattern will be irregular and the body will be affected in many ways.
This healthy beverage is not for everyone. So it is better to start drinking the green tea in order to reap the benefits as a whole. The disadvantages though a few and are rare. It is better to consult a doctor if one thinks to start drinking one every day.
The green tea has numerous benefits to the user but it also has several disadvantages as well. Fortunately the benefits overweight the drawbacks. No wonder it has become the most popular drink in the world. In one word it can be said to be the drink that provides the solution to all the diseases and the disorders that the human body can develop. It does not mean that the risks of the green tea must be ignored. Instead the risks must be borne in mind and must be considered when the people drink them. Those people who develop a general doubt regarding the usage of the green tea can seek the assistance of a doctor who will clarify them.