Fructose is a natural sweetening agent that helps to impart the sweet taste to the fruits and the other foodstuffs. It is found in all the foods, fruits and sweets. Fructose is a simple form of sugar. It is also termed as fruit sugar as it is mostly found in fruits in adequate quantities. The fructose a person eats will be assimilated by the small intestines of the body. As a result the digestive system of the body will be complicated that the body will develop allergic reactions when fructose is consumed. It has been said that the excess of the fructose forms sugars. No one will get affected by the little amount of the fructose they eat. But the real problem arises when they are taken in excess.
Everybody agrees to the above fact. Even the gluttonous eaters too do not get the diseases like diabetes from eating some amount of fructose. But it is clear that if the people do not eat enough to give them a boost of sugar in their body, then the body is said to suffer from the fructose intolerance. A person when affected by the condition will get vomiting, diarrhea, giddiness, head trauma and pains in the stomach when he eats honey and other sweet substances.
What Fructose intolerance Means?
The normal and healthy people will have the fructose absorbed to about 50 grams by the intestines. There would be no problem with it. But if the person is affected by the fructose intolerance then they will be able to absorb only less than 30 grams of the sugar. Unfortunately some people can absorb only as small as only six grams of fructose. So having a heavy diet at that time with carbonated sweet soda drinks, honey foods, fruits and other paleo foods will prove to be fatal that it often results in death. Since the fructose does not get assimilated in the body it lingers for a long time in the gut. It increases in size due to the accumulation of more and more fructose in the gut. The accumulation leads to the formation of a tissue like substance. There are several complications associated with the formation of tissue in the gut. They are very serious and needs immediate examination by a doctor.
a. Osmosis:
The formation of tissue in the gut by the fructose becomes a source of attraction for the water. To those people free from the fructose intolerance, the raisins and the coniferous prunes are recommended for the eradication of the problems of constipation. They help in the softening of stools and in the easy passage of the stools through the intestines. The people with fructose intolerance will have the same complications associated with them as one would get from eating a huge amount of raisins. The only difference is that the people will develop stomach pains and cramps.
b. Bloating & Flatulence:
The fructose in the form of the tissue stays in the gut of the intestines for a long time. The intestine then starts to eat the fructose in the natural sense. As a result the cramps are formed in the intestines that form gas. The excess gas gets out of the body in the form of flatulence. Sometimes the people develop bloats that are very dangerous to their health.
General Misconceptions:
- If a person gets farts, cramps in the stomach and diarrhea after eating too much of fructose then the people are sure to be affected by the fructose intolerance.
- If a person develops pains in the stomach by eating garlic, onions, leeks and other cruciferous foods then the problem is not fructose intolerance.
- Sometimes the bacterial growth in the gut is mistaken to be fructose intolerance. This is a very different issue from the fructose intolerance. The eating of supplements of probiotic foods and the supplements do not make the gut miserable as it is the case of the microbial growth in the gut. IT is not associated with the fructose intolerance.
- Fructose intolerance causes digestive problems but not all digestive problems are associated with it.
The doctors are not sure why fructose intolerance sets its hold on people. The research is going on and the results are not still clear. The person with gastrointestinal problems is sure to develop the problem of fructose intolerance. But to the rest of the other people it is a very rare phenomenon.
Coping Up With Fructose Intolerance:
This is a very rare issue in people. It is safe if people try to guard themselves from these problems. It would be wise for the normal people also to be cautious of their level of the fructose they take in. It is because we never know what would happen in the future. The people who suffer from the fructose intolerance, they must curtail their daily diet to that of the foods free from the fructose. The doctors have an opinion that the diets free from the fructose will not only improve the symptoms but also prevent it from affecting the person.
The simple rules that a person has to follow to ward off the fructose intolerance are:
- Choosing regular diet plans that have low level of fructose in them. The fructose in the form of polymers must also be avoided totally.
- For easy assimilation of fructose, they must be eaten with glucose. This is because the glucose helps in the easy absorption of the fructose.
If any person suffers from the digestive disorders treating the fructose intolerance alone is not enough. They have to, because the digestive problem is not only the reason for the fructose intolerance. The problem lies only with the lining of the wall of the gut in the intestines. Fortunately fructose intolerance helps the people to fight against the fatty liver disease.
A lot of problems have its origin from the fructose intolerance and the other problems cause the fructose intolerance. The origin of the problem must be treated rather than treating the other diseases. The real remedy lies in finding the correct fructose level of the body and sticking to it.