Diets used as a detoxifying agents are very prominent but there is little or no evidence to prove it. Detoxification is normally the process of eliminating the toxic substances from the body. The detox diets can be either vegetable or fruits or natural herbs or any other supplements. Detoxification energizes and gives a pleasant feeling to the body before and after detoxifying. It is because the body is relieved of its toxic substances through the functions of the liver and kidneys. The toxic substances can be either sugar in the blood or fat in the body. A more natural way to detox our body is to cut off the high calorie food from our regular routine. Getting consultations from doctors regarding the matters of detoxification is a very compulsory because refraining from certain food often results in tiredness and nutritional deficiencies. Certain cleansing techniques results in the formation of several complications in the body such as cramps, bloat, dehydration and nausea. Dehydration is a very serious issue because our body needs water for its sustenance. On the whole, natural diets are the most beneficial ways of detoxifying our body with no side effects.
Detoxifying can be done to all the body parts like heart, kidney, liver, spleen, colon, pancreatic, intestinal, stomach and gall bladder. It also removes stones and other viscous materials in the body. The muscle cramps and other implications are the results of heavy toxin accumulation in the body. Eating slowly, drinking plenty of water and getting rid of grudge, bitterness, revenge and pride are all ways to get rid off toxins in the body. Water is stored in the fat along with glycogen. When the body dehydrates, the water stored is used up which makes the muscles to break. The essential nutrients stored in the body also gets consumed. So it is wise to detox the body very cautiously.
1. Sunroot :
Sunroots are also called by the name Artichokes. They promote functions of the liver upto its maximum. That in turn purges the body of toxic substances. It increases the liver’s production of bile. Bile breaks down food substances that helps the body use the nutrients and maximize the bile production. It is rich in magnesium, fiber, potassium, folic acid and protein.
2. White Gold :
Asparagus is a very tasty vegetable and a good detoxifying agent. Apart from detoxifying the body it also protects the liver, stop aging, safeguards against cancer and swellings. Liver filters the toxic substances in our body and also in the food we take. So asparagus helps in the drainage of liver.
3. Butterfruit :
Butter fruits are also known as avocados. They are rich in fibre. This helps in the smooth functioning of the intestine. In the ancient days most people did not eat avocados because they were rich in fat. But they are rich in only good fat. Nowadays people are consuming it in large numbers. It is better to eat an organic avocado fruit other than the ones we get at many restaurants because the former are rich in healthy nutrients.
4. Beetroots :
Beets are also called as a superfood. The reason is obvious. They make sure that the toxic substances are actually ousted out of the body. Some toxins return back to the body through some means. Beets are also negate free radicals and other causing agents. We must make it our effort to include it in our daily food.
5. Rapini :
Some people are surprised whenever broccoli or rapini shows up the list of healthy foods. It has all the essential nutrients packed inside it. It reacts with the enzymes of the liver and detoxes the body. If people do not like the taste of the broccoli they should try cooking it the other way. Microwave cooking it will make it lose all its properties.
6. Colewort Or Field Cabbage :
A soup of this vegetable makes people go off course. It helps in the proper functioning of the liver by lowering the cholesterol. So it is advised to include this in our everyday diet. Apart from supporting the functioning of liver, it also helps in the removal of toxins from our body, thus making us feel refreshed.
7. Blowball :
Blowballs are also known as Dandelions. These like other detox diets help in the proper functioning of the liver. It is considered as a weed by many botanists. It is rich in healing properties for the liver and thus should not be overlooked. It does not mean that we should use it only after the liver is damaged. Eating it even if we have a good liver is also beneficial because it may strengthen the already healthy liver.
8. Garlic :
Garlic is considered both as a herb and a spice. Garlic boosts the immune system. It also helps in the functioning of the liver. Even if we eat too much garlic it will not result in any problems because of its health benefits. Apart from it, garlic also tarnishes the otherwise bland food we consume. It imparts flavour to it. Even if we do not like the smell or taste of it, we can still get its benefits because it is available in a variety of supplements.
9. Ginger :
This is a root whose medicinal benefits go back to ancient times. Ginger is used as a spice in the food we eat. It is also used in making tea and other beverage drinks. Some physicians advise to drink it with hot water because it makes the water tasty and it has many benefits. It is a remedy for fatty liver, caused by too much alcohol and intake of toxic foods and drinks.
10. Grapefruit :
This fibre rich and nutrient rich fruit is a winner when it comes to detoxing. This fruit floods the body with nutrients and fires the liver to do its proper functions. It instills the liver to do its work while supplying the other organs of the body with essential nutrients. It also helps in weight-loss because it causes the liver to burn the stored fat.
11. Green Tea :
Green tea is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants seek to nullify the free radicals present in the human body. The body will be benefitted much if we drink it everyday. It also replenishes the mind and makes our whole system healthy. If we substitute tea with other drinks such as juices, coffee, other teas etc we would be actually benefitting rather than hurting it.
12. Borecole :
Borecole is also known as Kale. It can be consumed in any manner we wish to consume it. It has anti-inflammatory properties, minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients. It helps in the flushing of kidneys, the organs which help in the flushing of waste and toxins from the body. The doctors recommend this to patients with kidney disease.
13. Lemongrass :
Lemongrass can be consumed as both a tea and a food. Either way it helps to flush all the organs at once. These organs include gall bladder, kidneys, heart, liver and the entire digestive tract. Consuming it inwardly results in better complexion, good circulatory systems, etc.
14. Lemon :
Whenever the topic of detox is discussed, lemon never goes unmentioned. Lemon juice is made by simply squeezing a lemon into a cup filled with water. Some amount of sugar may be added to it in order to make it fit to drink. Some people mix it with cayenne pepper and add a little amount of sugar. Sugar must not be added if one wants to get the effects. It also helps in losing weight, proper digestion and acts as a hunger suppressant.
15. Olive Oil :
Olive Oil when mixed with any fruit juice will have the desired benefits bestowed on the person who drinks it. Since it is rich in fat, it should not be our first remedy for detoxification. Olive Oil is also used in cooking. When consumed in a cooked form it helps in the detoxification of the body and supplies the essential nutrients. Overheating the oil makes it lose its nutrients and it should be used only in dressing purposes like salad.
16. Seagrass :
Seagrass is rarely used in cuisines of many Asian countries and is predominantly used in many Western countries. We should avoid the nori and consume a lot of kelp instead. Adding too much of salt to the sea weeds is not beneficial. It is loaded with many essential nutrients.
17. Turmeric :
Turmeric is loaded with many health benefits and one among them is detoxifying the body. Turmeric is also used as a tea. It boosts the liver and increases their functions so as to stimulate their properties of detoxification. Adding it in our daily food will help us to flush our body off toxins. It can also be had as a regular beverage instead of other beverages.
18. Water :
It is the most effective detoxifying agent and is always overlooked. Water helps in flushing the toxins from our entire body. It also helps in the better functioning of all the body parts. People who exert themselves in physical exercises should drink a lot of water. Daily we must have a constant intake of water because if we overload ourselves with water, the kidneys may not know what to do.
19. Tall nasturtium :
It is also known as Watercress. For those who want a salad type of food, this is typically the best because it can be easily blend into smoothies and salads. Some people find the taste better whereas others may not like the taste. It makes the liver release some enzymes in order to help in detoxification.
20. Wheatgrass :
Wheatgrass is rich in alkaline property. This makes it a vital constituent in detoxifying the body. It helps in the proper working of liver, prevents the growth of cancerous cells, improves the immunity of the body and lowers the sugar level in the body. It counters the negative impacts of any junk food we have eaten in the past.