Asperger’s Syndrome is also named as Asperger’s disorder. It is a conditions that characterizes hinders the formation of many basic skills, like the capability to mingle with others, to converse with others and to use fascination. This syndrome is indistinguishable to autism but there are many variations. Those with Asperger’s syndrome quintessentially perform better than those suffering from autism and children with this syndrome normally have usual intelligence and common language growth even though they can form problems communing as grow older.
This was christened after the Austrian doctor, Hans Asperger. It was he who first explained the disorder in the year 1944. But this was not acknowledged as a distinct disorder then. It was only speculated to be so much later. The Asperger problem in women is increasing slowly. But it is stunning that there are treatments to treat male Aspergers but no medications for females with the disorder. It is doubtlessly prevalent among men, but the women get affected from this disorder and want special care too. At times it is hard to relate the syndrome with women so it stays untreated owing to their existing social characters. This brings out problems in the daily and common life so many women tend to hide the problem. One instance is that a patient suffering from this sees the forehead instead of maintaining the eye contact with the opposite person. So the attitude is mostly thought as shy or weird.
Causes Of Asperger’s Syndrome :
Though the exact reason for this syndrome is unknown, it has been speculated that it has been due to hereditary factors.
1. Genetical Reasons :
The link between asperger’s syndrome and genes are well described. If any person in a family is affected by this syndrome there are chances for the others to be affected by it. But no particular gene is identified to pass on the problem. It is associated to alleles that make a person vulnerable to any particular type of this syndrome. Stronger genetic ties are required for the person to be affected by this syndrome.
2. Teratogens :
These are factors that cause defects at the time of birth. Exposure to these teratogens has been evidenced to be the reasons for autism and asperger’s syndrome. It affects slowly afterwards but it is not backed up by any scientific proofs.
3. Functional Brain Systems :
The reasons of asperger’s syndrome agree mostly on internal reasons rather than external ones. The functions of the brains are the reason behind the syndrome. The autism syndromes are said to be similar to that of asperger’s syndrome. But they have sharp contrast between them. But some characteristics of the syndrome do make up. Some studies suggest the relationship between the neural studies and the non-typical migrations of the embryonic cells in the fetus also contribute to the development of asperger’s syndrome.
4. Underconnectivity theory :
This theory hypothesizes the improper functioning of the high-level neural links and synchronization with an extra low-level processes. It corresponds well to common theories such as weak central coherence theory, that hypothesizes a restricted ability to view the main disruptions in Autism syndrome.
5. Theory Of Mirror Neurons :
This theory hypothesizes that changes to the formation of the MNS restrict with replica and causes Asperger’s syndrome. A research has proved that activation is retarded in the main circuit for a copy of individuals with this syndrome. It links well to other social theories such as the mind theory that postulates that autistic behavior rises from complications in linking mental states to oneself and others or hyper-systemizing that states that autistic individuals can coordinate internal processes to maintain internal processes but are less effective at identify by handling events generated by other agents like serotonin and cerebellar dysfunctions.
6. Poor Parenting :
It has been said that autism issues due to the care of poor parenting. It has also been scientifically proved to be so by Bruno Bettelheim in his own systematic study of the twin study of Folstein-Rutter in 1977.
7. Other factors :
The quest for this asperger’s syndrome triggers are more focused on finding a reason for an increase in the autism in recent times. The occurrence of their increase appears to instantiate new alterations in humans. They include :
- disease
- toxicity in metal
- vaccinations
- Prenatal factors
- Stress and depression
Symptoms Of Asperger’s Syndrome :
The symptoms vary from mild to severe. They are :
1. Less Interaction with Others :
People with Asperger’s syndrome commonly have trouble in communicating with others. It places them in a weird social plights. They usually do not make friends. They have problems in starting and prolonging a talk.
2. Recurrent Actions :
Those diagnosed with this disorder will develop weird, recurrent movements, like eye twitching and swinging of hands.
3. Refusal to alter :
The person affected by this syndrome will not change a habit no matter how much the warning is given. Examples include dressing, weird walking style and queer looks.
4. Speaking Disabilities :
They do not make eye contact when talking with others. And using facial expressions and gestures and comprehend body language becomes very hard for them. They also do not comprehend languages in reference to the context and are very verbatim in their usage of speaking languages.
5. No interests :
A person affected by this syndrome will almost have no interest or will be interested in only a few matters like sports.
6. Awkward Style :
The people will have weird movements associated with them.
7. Talent :
They will be outstandingly talented in only one skill.
8. Genetic Factors :
If anyone in the family has this disorder then the next generation will be bound to suffer from this syndrome.
Treatment Of Asperger’s Syndrome :
Though there is no absolute cure for the Asperger’s Syndrome, the changes can be brought about by alterations in the behavioural patterns.
1. Special Care :
Unique care is given to those suffering from this syndrome. It helps in such a way to mould their lives.
2. Change in Behaviours :
The behaviours of those people are changed so that the unwanted behaviours are not encouraged.
3. Functional Abilities :
The person’s behavioural, vocal and physical abilities are changed so as to bring it to normal.
4. Therapies :
Some therapies are provided to patients to make them feel better and behave properly in the social circles. Some skills are taught to them so that they will learn them.
5. Medicines and Drugs :
Some medicines and drugs to induce sleep, to reduce mood swings, reduce stress, depression and anxiety are also prescribed.
People suffering from Asperger’s syndrome are prone to develop other problems such as depression, stress related problems, ADHD and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Luckily, there are many behavioral therapies, professional counseling and other options available.
As the intelligence level is average or above average, many with this syndrome can perform very normally. They may continue to have problems interacting with others throughout life.